Old Maps Online Logo – Explore Historical MapsOld Maps Online Logo – Explore Historical Maps


Roles and Access rights

Torna al Centro assistenzaPubblicato: 15 de julho de 2020

Admin vs reviewer

There are roles for "staff" persons within your institution called "Administrator" and "Reviewer". You can ask us to assign one of these roles to a person of your choice. Please give these roles only to trustful people. Please note that the person needs to create an account at www.georeferencer.com first.


Administrators can manage the organization's personnel. They have new tabs available in the page navigation where they can export collections. Admins can also add or remove roles (via a separate ticket in our internal ticketing system).


Reviewers manage the quality control of a map. They check the maps and confirm the accuracy of the location via the reviewer bar. People with the reviewer role have access to the reviewer dashboard with review status widgets. Review status is also displayed on general progress bars.
